24th of November 2018 was a big day for our small company Marija Handmade.

We get the prize of Enterprise Europe Network between the 300 small companies from Serbia that are succesfully used the programs of the EEN in the first decade of their activism in Serbia.

Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia Goran Knezevic gave the prize to Marija Ivankovic Jurisic, the owner of the Marija Handmade.

We are honoured and thankfull on this support given by European Entrepreneurship Network, cause the best in our collaboration is yet to come.

Stay tuned 🙂


2nd October was a day reserved for knowledge. It was a Conference for entrepreneurs in the organization of ORIGINAL magazin https://www.nedeljnik.rs/original   directed by Jelena Djokovic, held in Belgrade. We had the opportunity to hear eminent entrepreneurs and their experiences and challenges on their way to success, shared with us.

The strongest impression on me was left by the story of Michele Magas, and artist in the world of entrepreneurship and programming. The story of new technologies and the artificial intelligence in the service  of all people in the world, totally excited me.

It is fascinating how much Novak Djokovic and his wife Jelena are broad-minded in their desire to bring people and events that personally fascinates them, with such  generous divisions with us, and give us knowledge and informations directlyto our hands. Once again thay have proved thet they are the best one Serbia has in the world. A special revelation to me is ORIGINAL magazin, which creates an image of one now, young and promising Serbia. 




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